
Mission Intern

Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Argentina (IEMA) -- Argentina

3 mo - 2 yrs
Ages 21+
International Ministries



​Function:  Regional mission programs emphasize preparing and sending workers. Interns would learn along with people from the Argentine churches who feel called to serve. Roles can include friendship evangelism and support in ministries with music, drama, children and youth as part of starting new churches. The Visión Evangelística y Misionera de la Región Central (VEMCE) program emphasizes planting both a business and a church, which broadens possible roles for an intern to include work within the business. There is no set job description, but rather a willingness to explore possibilities to see whether one of the Argentine mission programs would like to invite a potential intern, matching gifts and calling with the opportunities at the time. 

Term: 3 months to 2 years

Language: Basic knowledge of Spanish and a commitment to continue learning.

Learn more about Iglesia Evangélica Menonita Argentina (IEMA)

Position specific qualifications: Go as a learner willing to serve under the leadership of Argentine mission workers; some college preferred.

 Program info



 Program site





string;#<div class='title-With-Background'><a href=' Ministries&Program=International Ministries&What type of work would you like to do=Mission Intern&Do you have a geographical or service location preference please list in order of preference= Argentina'>Apply</a></div>

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