Alamosa, Colorado

Restorative Justice and Justice Reform positions

Center for Restorative Programs -- Alamosa, Colorado

1- or 2-year term
Ages 20+
Mennonite Voluntary Service



Mission: Center for Restorative Programs (CRP) is a non-profit agency based in Alamosa that serves the 6 counties in the San Luis Valley. It is located in the southcentral Rockies of Colorado, in a high-poverty rural area with strong historical and current Latinx cultural ties. Rooted in Restorative Justice Principles, CRP seeks to strengthen community in the San Luis Valley by building connection, transforming conflict, and healing relationships.


CRP programs include:

  • Our Diversion and School programs use several different restorative processes through which victims are heard and understood, offenders take responsibility for harm, and loved ones and community members offer support. We bring together affected parties including the person harmed, the responsible participant, and, when appropriate, representatives from the community to create an actionable plan to repair harm. CRP programs include restorative conferences, circles and dialogue processes to restore relationships and repair harm after incidents involving youth in community and school settings. Staff also provide education and training in conflict resolution, mediation, and restorative practices to local schools, youth-serving organizations, and interested community organizations and individuals
  • Our Family Support Services, including our High-Fidelity Wraparound program, provide personalized plans of care for children with complex needs and their families. A Wraparound team brings together youth, family, professionals, and people already in the family's life to create and realize a strengths-based plan, develop self-efficacy, and increase natural supports.
  • Our Intensive Case Management program offers alternative solutions to incarceration for low level offenders and those in the community that are at high risk for incarceration, through intensive case management supports and services. Populations served are adults who are struggling with substances and mental health issues.

General description (vary slightly with assigned team):

  • Assist Team in varied aspects of program implementation and development, with primary responsibilities for coordinating one or more program areas as assigned.
  • Co-facilitate restorative practices with experienced staff.
  • Assist with outreach to referral agencies and referred individual/youth/families.
  • Assist with engagement and case management with participants.
  • Assist with skills trainings for youth and adults.
  • Assist with technology needs of the office, such as database maintenance, webpage development and updates, electronic newsletter, etc.


  • BA in peace and justice studies, conflict resolution, social work, communications or similar studies
  • Strong communication skills, both written and oral
  • Prior mediation training a plus
  • Information technology skills a plus
  • Bilingual (English/Spanish) a plus

 Program info



Mennonite Voluntary ServiceMennonite Voluntary Service<p>​<strong class="ms-rteFontSize-4">Serve in community</strong><br></p><p>Join an intentional community with peers, serve with a local nonprofit, and plug into your neighborhood and local congregation</p><p>MVS <span><span>is a program of Mennonite Mission Network.</span></span><br> </p>

 Program site Voluntary Service, Voluntary Service Voluntary Service, Voluntary Service



string;#<div class='title-With-Background'><a href=' Voluntary Service&Program=Mennonite Voluntary Service&What type of work would you like to do=Restorative Justice and Justice Reform positions&Do you have a geographical or service location preference please list in order of preference=Alamosa United States'>Apply</a></div>

Constituent ID: 120281