Baltimore, Maryland


-- Baltimore, Maryland

Flexible term
Ages 25+



The Reservoir Hill House of Peace (RHHP) is a richly diverse community of young professionals, volunteers, and asylum seekers. As a ministry of the North Baltimore Mennonite Church (NBMC), the RHHP:

Two major areas of volunteer opportunities at RHHP are to:

  1. Assist with maintenance and construction projects and seasonal outdoor work, along with house members. Work with asylum seekers and other residents in a variety of areas, depending on your skills and their interests:
    1. teach English as a second language
    2. provide weekly cooking, baking, art, or music lessons
    3. provide IT or computer support/training
    4. initiate evening House activities
    5. provide transportation for medical or legal assistance appointments
    6. tutor asylum seekers studying to get further training
  2. Serve as House Coordinator to manage the operations and community living of RHHP. Six month commitment is preferred.
    1. Build and support community life in the house among all residents
    2. Coordinate logistics of household space usage
    3. Facilitate community building activities
    4. Work with head trustee and other volunteers to ensure the building and grounds are maintained.
    5. Manage community household funds and purchase shared household supplies.
    6. A full House Coordinator job description is available upon request.

Living and working at the RHHP provides a great opportunity to live in a diverse community with a sense of mission while experiencing city living and making important contributions to the lives of others. Located in a turn-of-the-century mansion, RHHP housing is communal with shared bathrooms, kitchen, dining, and living rooms. Public bus transportation is convenient; a car is useful but not necessary. House members eat together about once a week and enjoy sharing and tasting each other's food. Volunteers are responsible to purchase and cook their own food. A donation to RHHP is welcome to defray the cost of utilities.

 Program info



SOOPSOOP<div class="ms-WPBody noindex "><div><p><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-4">​Serving in partnership</strong></p><p>Use your gifts and skills to work alongside others in a network of ministries across the church. Flexibly designed for retirees, families, and adults over 25.​</p><p>SOOP is a program of Mennonite Mission Network.<br></p></div></div>

 Program site,,



string;#<div class='title-With-Background'><a href=' type of work would you like to do=Baltimore&Do you have a geographical or service location preference please list in order of preference=Baltimore United States'>Apply</a></div>

Constituent ID: 533824