Washington, Iowa

Crooked Creek Christian Camp

-- Washington, Iowa

Flexible term
Ages 25+



Crooked Creek Christian Camp hosts a summer kids camp for 7 weeks and various groups throughout the year (businesses, churches, family reunions, individuals). During the summer months having volunteers to help in the kitchen, cleaning and possibly in maintenance would be of great help. June and July are the busiest time of the year, but help is welcomed year-round. Close toed shoes and shirts with sleeves are required if working in the kitchen. The weather can be very humid in the summer. Kitchen and most buildings have AC. Depending on the time of the year there are housing options: RV hook-up, a cabin with a shower and kitchen. There is no cost to volunteers. Meals can be taken in the dining hall when the kitchen is open.

 Program info



SOOPSOOP<div class="ms-WPBody noindex "><div><p><strong class="ms-rteFontSize-4">​Serving in partnership</strong></p><p>Use your gifts and skills to work alongside others in a network of ministries across the church. Flexibly designed for retirees, families, and adults over 25.​</p><p>SOOP is a program of Mennonite Mission Network.<br></p></div></div>

 Program site



https://www.mennonitemission.net/Serve/SOOP, https://www.mennonitemission.net/Serve/SOOPhttps://www.mennonitemission.net/Serve/SOOP, https://www.mennonitemission.net/Serve/SOOP



string;#<div class='title-With-Background'><a href='https://mmngiving.formstack.com/forms/full_application_starter_v2?What_are_you_applying_for=SOOP&Program=SOOP&What type of work would you like to do=Crooked Creek Christian Camp&Do you have a geographical or service location preference please list in order of preference=Washington United States'>Apply</a></div>

Constituent ID: 522735