Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Free Medical Clinic Assistant

Highlands Health Clinic -- Johnstown, Pennsylvania

10-month term
Ages 17–20
Service Adventure



​There are approximately 11,000 uninsured individuals living in our county. Johnstown's free medical clinic is trying to address the needs of this group by providing free access to health care. Staffed mostly by volunteers this clinic would be an ideal placement for someone interested in any area of the medical field. They have needs for assistance in a variety of areas based on the applicant's interests such as: taking notes for the doctors, assisting the nurses, doing intake assessment questionnaires with new patients, helping in the pharmacy, doing community outreach and education or helping with administrative tasks and IT support. (part-time)

 Program info



Service AdventureService Adventure<p>​<strong class="ms-rteFontSize-4">Explore and lead</strong></p><p>Invest in faith formation and grow in leadership as you spend a year with Service Adventure. Live in community with others your age and with unit leaders who will serve as mentors. You’ll be able to connect with a local congregation and serve with a partner agencies.</p><p>Service Adventure <span><span>is a program of Mennonite Mission Network.</span></span><br> <em></em></p>

 Program site Adventure, Adventure Adventure, Adventure



string;#<div class='title-With-Background'><a href=' Adventure&Program=Service Adventure&What type of work would you like to do=Free Medical Clinic Assistant&Do you have a geographical or service location preference please list in order of preference=Johnstown United States'>Apply</a></div>

Constituent ID: 540887